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Caring for your Rabbit. What’s the right rabbit hutch?

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Caring for your Rabbit. What’s the right rabbit hutch?

Choosing the right rabbit hutch?

Choosing the right kind of hutch for your rabbit is extremely important. Hutches that are spacious enough, easy to clean, and easy to for your rabbit to get in and out of, will make sharing your home with a rabbit so much easier. A Hutch that is large enough is important for the well-being of your pet rabbit but is no substitute for exercise and social time out of the hutch.

What Are Rabbit Hutches?

Rabbit hutches are typically wood enclosures. Most consist of a chicken wire or mesh metal on the sides and/or top and bottom of the cage to allow for adequate ventilation.

Hutches are usually fully enclosed on one side of the cage to allow the rabbit to hide from sunlight, be protected from cold and the wind, and just sleep. This is the side of the hutch to add straw and hay as bedding and warmth.

Depending on which hutch you choose means that some are available with a pull-out tray and are easy to clean. This makes sure your rabbit has a comfortable environment to live in.

What size hutch should I get?

The size of your hutch can depend on many factors that may include the size of your rabbit and the sex of your rabbit if you intend to keep 2 or more of a different sex. Hutches are available that has separate levels or areas that can be separated in the instance of keeping male or female rabbits.

You may want to consider having a hutch with a large run connected to the hutch or getting a separate run for your rabbit to give it the exercise it requires.

Accessories for my hutch?

Feeding bowls can be purchased for your rabbit and some handy ones come with hooks to attach to the mesh on the inside of the hutch so your pet rabbit can feed and drink without the danger of stepping in or knocking over there food.

Food is very important part of your rabbit’s life. A varied diet is important and rabbits do like to graze on vegetation like grass that is why there are a number of hutches and pens available with run areas that allow the rabbit access to fresh vegetation.

Click here to browse our range of Rabbit Hutches!


There’s lots to consider when choosing a hutch for your rabbits, but with your help, that process should hopefully become a lot simpler. For any questions, queries, or concerns, contact us on Facebook.