Cherry Barb

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Cherry barb

Cherry barb –

Vital Information:

temperature 23-26c

max size 5cm

ph 6.5- 7.5

water requirements non critical


The Cherry Barb is a more slender fish when compared to the other Barbs. The main body is silver/black with a golden, horizontal stripe following the lateral line. During spawning, the male will turn bright cherry red, which explains the given name.

They prefer a well-planted tank of at least 30 gallons with soft, slightly acidic water. Rocks and driftwood can be added to the aquarium, but leave plenty of space for swimming. The Cherry Barb is a very timid fish that should be housed with fish of the same temperament.

It is best, when trying to breed the Cherry Barb, to house a number of Barbs in the same aquarium until they pair off. After a pair has developed, the female will lay the eggs and the male will follow behind to fertilize. The fry will be free-swimming after about 5 days. Feed the fry newly hatched brine shrimp until large enough to accept crushed flake food.

The Cherry Barb needs to be fed a variety of foods including vegetables as well as meaty foods. Feed a quality flake food as well as live and frozen foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms.


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