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Aquatics - Looking to build up your fish tank?

Aquatics – Looking to build up your fish tank?

reading time: 3 minutes

Aquatics – Looking to build up your fish tank?

Aquatics – Looking to build up your fish tank? – We’ve seen a lot of amazing fish tanks lately, so we’re bringing a couple of these ideas to you. Your fish tank is a centerpiece. Your guests will come to look at it, so why not make it look as nice as possible?

From the bottom

Kitting out your new fish tank is always fun. You start with a blank canvas and get to create what you really want. The first thing to do is start from the bottom. What do you want at the bottom of the tank? Is it rainbow gravel? Sand? Or even pebbles? There are a lot of substrates to choose from. Choose one that will match the overall theme of your tank. If you’re going for an antique look, pink gravel won’t compliment that. Ultimately the fish you will be putting in the tank will sort of dictate which direction you need to go in, as certain aqua life needs different things. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make it look as good as possible.


In your fish tank, you can either have live plants or fake plants. There are pro’s and con’s to both but it really just comes down to personal preference. Fake plants are generally more colourful, easier to maintain and they don’t die. They still have the benefit of giving the fish a place to hide too. However, live plants add a more natural feel to your tank. They are also useful for improving the water quality inside your tank. They intake the Carbon Dioxide and release Oxygen. This benefits the fish because Carbon Dioxide build up in your take could be toxic to your fish. On the flip side when leaves drop off the dead plants, it may cause the nitrogen levels in your tank to go up, which can also be fatal to your fish.


This is the most fun part of building up any fish tank. There are so many different ornaments on the market that we get tempted to buy them all. One thing to keep in mind, however, is space. How much space do you have and how much space do your fish need? Don’t go overboard when adding decoration. It’s one of the most common mistakes people make. They buy 9 different ornaments, fill the tank up and then they can’t see their fish. The decor is there to compliment the scenery, not make it. It’s always better to go with 1 or 2 centerpieces and a few extra pieces surrounding.


In the end, it’s all up to you. However, you want your fish tank is how you should make it. Hopefully, you can use these tips and adapt them to creating a really beautiful tank. Feel free to share your pictures with us here!

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