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Fish – Things You Might Not Know

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Fish – Things You Might Not Know

Fish – Things You Might Not Know – There’s no denying that fish have been around for an extraordinarily long time. People travel around the world to catch them. We keep them in our houses and gardens. But did you know any of these things about them?

The oldest known age for a fish was a whopping 65 years old! It was an Australian lungfish and was still alive in 2003.

Sharks are the only fish to have eyelids.

When fish grow they don’t grow new scales. Their scales grow with them.

Fish can actually drown. Just like humans, fish need oxygen and if there isn’t enough oxygen in the water they will die.

Scientists say that we have explored less than 5% of our oceans! Imagine how many unknown creatures are down there?

Some fish (like the great white shark) can raise their body temperature to help them hunt in cold waters.

Starfish and Jellyfish aren’t actually fish.

If a starfish loses an arm, they have the ability to regrow it! And the lost arm could technically regrow a whole body…

Seahorses are the only fish (that we know of) that swim upright. They swim incredibly slow too.

In Japan, the Puffer Fish (an incredibly poisonous fish) is a delicacy. Only people certified by special schools can prepare the fish so people can eat it safely.

There is a starfish that has 40 arms!

When Anglerfish mate, they melt into each other and share the same body till they die.

A robotic fish was accepted by other fish and became their leader!

We hope you have enjoyed these bizarre facts about marine life!

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