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Anole Care Sheet

Anole Care Sheet


Anoles can be housed in small enclosures; we recommend no smaller than 20x10x12inches. If you’re keeping more than one anole more space will be required. You should only ever keep one male per tank, whereas females will get along fine provided there is enough hiding places and plenty of room.

Anoles are good escape artists and can squeeze through the smallest of spaces. Therefore, a tightly fitting lid is necessary.

A humidity level of 60 to 70 percent is required for Anoles, this can be maintained by lightly misting the inside of the enclosure daily. Monitor the humidity levels using a hygrometer. Misting the tank also provides drinking water for Anoles, as they will not often drink from a bowl.

Heating and Lighting

Anoles require a thermal gradient from 24 to 27c and a basking spot. A combination of under tank heaters and basking light on one side of the enclosure will help achieve this. You can maintain a correct thermal gradient using a high-quality thermometer positioned in both the cool and warm end. Night temperatures can drop slightly but are not required.

In addition to a basking light, Anoles also require UVB lights for 10-12 hours a day. UVB will help prevent your Anole developing metabolic bone disease and keep them looking brightly coloured. UVB needs to be replaced every 6 months even if it still works, as the UVB rays wear out.

Food and Water

Anoles are insectivores and are generally good eaters provided their needs are met. It is best to feed a variety of gut loaded insects including mealworms, waxworms, crickets, and locus. Your anole will eat daily so feed in small amounts, around 2/3 appropriately sized insects per day.


A substrate of soil and peat moss is an ideal substrate for Anoles. Live plants can be used to maintain humidity and provided hiding places. Pieces of bark, branches and caves should be provided for climbing and basking. Avoid very dry substrates such as sand.

For any further information or advice please feel free to message us on Facebook or contact the store on 01902 494860

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