Pets Choice Pond Food Sticks 5kg

Pets Choice Pond Food Sticks 5kg –

Complete staple food for all freshwater pond fish including Koi carp.

The sticks are floating to encourage your fish to feed at the surface of the pond both for your enjoyment and to prevent the build up of lost food at the bottom of the pond.

The sticks contain wheatgerm a highly digestible source of protein and spirulina a natural colour enhancer that strengthens and “fixes” the coloured markings of all breeds of pond fish.

Because the food has been specially formulated to be highly digestible it helps to reduce water pollution keeping the pond clear and well oxygenated.


Feed little and often when your fish are most active and the water temperature exceeds 8e!C (45e!F). Only feed what your fish will eat within 10-15 minutes as excessive feeding can pollute the pond water.

Please Note: Picture is for illustration purposes only as the bag is made out of plastic.

Size: 5kg

Click here to see a range of Pets Choice Pond Food!

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