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The Asian Jungle Scorpion "Heterometrus cyaneus"

The Asian Jungle Scorpion “Heterometrus cyaneus”


The Asian Jungle Scorpion “Heterometrus cyaneus”

The Asian Jungle Scorpion is a terrestrial scorpion originating from Laos. This species is a relatively large scorpion and can reach 3.5 – 5 inches when they meet adulthood. When trying to recognise this scorpion, they are generally black all over with long, robust claws and a fat body.

They are known to be an aggressive species of scorpion. This is based on the fact that they are quite nervous and will attack if provoked. Previous experience of keeping arachnids is definitely beneficial.

As a species, they have strong claws which they will use to nip when agitated also known to break the skin of the handler. Although they have a mild, venomous paralytic sting, it will not harm a human. However, be sure to handle correctly to minimise the risk.

Keeping the scorpion

Asian jungleThe Asian Jungle Scorpion "Heterometrus cyaneus" scorpions should be kept at around about 22-28 degrees Celsius with humidity levels of 78-82%.

To ensure this level of humidity, regular spraying of its bedding with water should be maintained. To do this you may consider the use of a pressure sprayer.

Typically this species of scorpion live under bark and in burrows. As a result of this, a bedding of substrate and plenty of cork bark allows it to hide and feel safe. (This also assists in preventing aggressiveness of the scorpion).

A 30 x 30-inch glass vivarium with plenty of ventilation is ideal. NoThe Asian Jungle Scorpion "Heterometrus cyaneus" lighting is required, a heat mat can be provided if the temperature is too low. Be sure to place on the outside of the enclosure.

What they Eat:

  • Asian jungle scorpions generally eat most insects such as crickets and locusts.
  • Be sure to provide a shallow dish of bug gel to provide moisture.
  • Adults will eat around 1 – 2 extra-large insects a week.

If you are interested in owning one of these Scorpions, please contact us for more information.