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Why Are Tench Called the ‘Doctor Fish’?

Why Are Tench Called the ‘Doctor Fish’?

And no, it’s not because they’re a Time Lord fish from Gallifrey.

The tench is a very interesting species of fish with more fiction involved than one might think. They live in stagnant waters without fast moving currents, preferring habitats with muddy or cloudy water to those with clear water. This could be freshwater bodies, brackish, or a mix of fresh and salt – making them very versatile.

This versatility has made the tench a common species in Europe and Asia since they’ve the innate ability to thrive and survive in waters where many other fish wouldn’t fare so well. This does mean that the species is considered invasive, as they compete with the native species for food – and often win!

But none of this lends itself to answering the question of why tench are referred to as the ‘doctor fish’. The answer can be found in a fantastic fish fable concerning one thing: slime.

The slippery and eel-like fish was said to have almost magical healing properties as it kept rubbing up against other fish, and it was believed that the slimy mucus coating their scales had something to do with it. Supposedly, tench could cure parasites and disease of other fish. This even led to people boiling the mucus to use as a medicine for humans.

Sadly, their supposed healing abilities seem to be nothing but a myth. However, this doesn’t mean that tench aren’t a great addition to your pond.

Tench have an omnivorous diet, meaning they’ll eat both plant and animal matter. And they do this by foraging primarily along the bottom of their habitat.

So if you’re suddenly feeling the urge to go out and get some tench for your pond, then we’ve got both the green and gold varieties at our retail store in Wolverhampton.


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